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Celebrating the Divine Feminine: The Worship of Goddess Durga

Durga Puja is an integral part of the Bengali identity. It is a time when the Divine feminine, in the form of Goddess Durga, is worshipped in eastern India and by scores of people who have left its shores to venture elsewhere in order to make a new life for themselves. Far from the land where they had their childhood, underwent adolescence, and first experienced this days-long celebration of the Mother Goddess, all expats are flooded with a sense of nostalgia and euphoria at the very thought of the celebrations of the Goddess who battled with and vanquished a demon called Mahishasura.

Our collective memories around these celebrations reverberate with the sonorous baritone of Shri Birendra Krishna Bhadra’s Chandipath, contained within the Mahishasura Mardini program broadcast on the radio to kick off Mahalaya—a beautiful recitation of the scriptural verses of the ‘Chandi Kavya,’ followed by devotional songs.

Who can forget waking up in the wee hours to hear his booming voice proclaim:

“Ashwiner sarada prate, beje utheche aalok manjir. Dharanir bahirakashe antorhito meghamala. Prakritir antorakashe jagorit jyotirmoyi jaganmatar agomon barta.”

Followed by the song Ya Chandi Madhu Koitabhadi Doitya Dalani. His staccato intonation of the verses below made vivid the imagery and anticipation around the arrival of the Divine to rid the earth of darkness and sin. All of nature awakens and stands in alert attention. Dark clouds dissolve, sending luminescence spiraling across the skies, awaiting her arrival.

“Anondo mahamayar padod-dhoni ashimo chhande beje uthe roopolok o rasolokey aane nabo bhabomadhurir sanjiban. Tai aanondita shyamolimatrikar chinmoyike mrinmoyite aabahon.”

Elsewhere, he bellows out verses soaked in admiration and wonder at her vitality, purity, and effulgence:

“Aaj chit-shaktirupini biswa jananir sharado sritimandita pratima mandire mandire dhyanobodhita.”

Other verses go on to express adulation for her many virtues and chronicle the savage battle that ensues between Durga and Mahishasura, and how Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva equip her with numerous weapons and powers to help her triumph over the demon and all that he signifies.

We learn that all of the universe is, in fact, various aspects of the Divine and that everything is imbued with her presence and power. Let us come together during this festive season to adore Her and worship Her in her many forms, such as Mahavidya and Mahamaya, and imbibe her qualities into our lives. Even as she gained mastery over darkness, let us strive to bring forth the same qualities into our lives.p

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